The subclass screen is one of the most important screens in Destiny. It is where Guardians manage their subclasses, abilities, and equipment. The current subclass screen has remained largely unchanged since Destiny 1, and it is in need of a revamp.
There are a few things that should be kept in mind when revamping the subclass screen. First, the subclass screen should be easy to understand and use. Second, the subclass screen should be visually appealing and easy on the eyes. And finally, the subclass screen should be informative, giving Guardians all the information they need about their subclasses at a glance. With those things in mind, here is my concept for a revamping the subclass screen for Destiny 3.
Subclasses are arranged in a linear fashion, and each subclass has its own icon. This makes it easy to see which subclasses a Guardian has unlocked and quickly compare them.
The subclass overview is a more detailed look at a single subclass. It includes the name and icon of the subclass, as well as an overview of its abilities. The overview also includes a progress bar for each subclass, so Guardians can easily see how close they are to unlocking the next level of that subclass.
The equipment screen has been given a complete overhaul. It is now much easier to see what equipment a Guardian has equipped, as well as which equipment is available to them. The new equipment screen also includes a search function, so Guardians can quickly and easily find the equipment they are looking for.
The ability screen has also been given a complete overhaul. It is now much easier to see which abilities are available to a Guardian, as well as which abilities are currently equipped. The new ability screen also includes a search function, so Guardians can quickly and easily find the ability they are looking for.
he equipment screen has been given a complete overhaul. It is now much easier to see what equipment a Guardian has equipped, as well as which equipment is available to them. The new equipment screen also includes a search function, so Guardians can quickly and easily find the equipment they are looking for.
The information screen contains all of the important information about a Guardian’s subclasses, abilities, and equipment. It is easy to understand and use, and it gives Guardians everything they need to know about their subclasses at a glance.
The first thing that jumps out about the current subclass screen is that it is very text heavy. There are a lot of numbers and words crammed into a small space. This makes the screen feel cluttered and can be overwhelming for some players. My concept seeks to address this by using a more graphical approach. Icons are used instead of words where possible, and information is presented in a more visually appealing way. The subclass screen is divided into three sections: The subclass tree, the subclass overview, and the subclass abilities. The subclass tree shows all of the subclasses that a Guardian has unlocked.
How to get 3rd subclass destiny
2 Subclasses are arranged in a linear fashion, and each subclass has its own icon. This makes it easy to see which subclasses a Guardian has unlocked and quickly compare them.
The subclass overview is a more detailed look at a single subclass. It includes the name and icon of the subclass, as well as an overview of its abilities. The overview also includes a progress bar for each subclass, so Guardians can easily see how close they are to unlocking the next level of that subclass.
The current subclass screen is in need of a revamp. The proposed concept for the revamp includes a number of important changes that will make the subclass screen easier to use and more informative. These changes will help Guardians manage their subclasses, abilities, and equipment more effectively.