Hello everyone, and welcome to the comprehensive guide to Cultist Simulator! In this article I will cover all the basics of the game, including: what you do in the game; how cards work; and what each thing means exactly. After reading this article you should understand enough to play Cultist Simulator like a pro.
This is not a guide. I’m not going to tell you how to win or what cards to get or anything like that, because exploring Cultist Simulator for yourself is a huge part of the fun. But if you’re stuck? Read this article?
Cradle And All Other Locations
In Cultist Simulator, there are six playable locations: the Library, the Stone Circle, the University, the Seaside Town, the Spire and Cradle. Here’s a few rules about locations:
-You start in Cradle. You have to get four cards from here or you lose. If you have any other locations unlocked, though, you can travel between them freely.
-Each location has a base action, which is always available to you.
-Each location has a patron, who will give you a one-time bonus if you work for them. This includes a little story segment about a cultist.
-You can only do each specific action at each location once per turn (except the base actions).
-You can do each specific action at each location multiple times per turn, but it costs extra actions.
-Every time you go to a new location, that location gets harder for the next time you play there. The University starts easier than Cradle does, but the Spire starts much higher than any of them. This is one way you can lose the game.
-There are some actions that do not have a location, and they are always available to you.
The Library is where you play cards from your hand to learn new rituals or reduce costs. You can also sacrifice cards for spell ingredients here, which gives you the chance to upgrade the type of card you use for sacrifice.
-The base action here is Sacrifice: choose a card from your hand and discard it, gaining an ingredient.
-You can also play cards to reduce the cost of later rituals, or learn new rituals. You can only decrease the cost of one ritual per turn, and when learning a new ritual you have to sacrifice additional cards for it.
-You can also play Cards without an action, but that costs more actions later on.
Stone Circle
The Stone Circle is where you draw new cards to your hand or increase the cost of rituals.
-The base action here is Draw: you draw one card from the deck and put it in your hand.
-You can also sacrifice cards here to increase the cost of rituals. You will not get a new card from the deck for this, however.
-You can also play Cards without an action, but that costs more actions later on.
The University is where you learn new skills and unlock extra slots in your hand. You can also draw cards from your deck here. The base action here is Train: you choose a skill, and that skill will be free for the rest of this turn.
cultist simulator how to get contentment
A common question in cultist simulator is how to get contentment. Contentment comes from performing out your daily work for the cult, from chanting and sacrificing. There are a number of ways that this will help you to get contentment:
Obedience Cultists who dedicate themselves to their god through obedience learn the things the Great Old Ones desire and those things bring them contentment. For those cultists who serve Azathoth, the Empty Lord, the great will is knowing that your god is pleased with you, wants more of you, and will give true peace to those who please him. Chanting As a cultist chants they become more attuned with the Great Old Ones and Azathoth himself provides contentment to their mind and body.