As you all know, not everyone is comfortable with viewing NSFW content. This is why we have created a guide on how to create NSFW channels on your Discord server. This way, those who are interested in viewing this type of content can do so without disturbing or offending those who are not.
Creating an NSFW channel is simple. Just head to your server settings and create a new channel. Then, all you need to do is mark it as NSFW by toggling the appropriate setting. Once you’ve done that, only users who have explicitly stated that they are comfortable with viewing NSFW content will be able to see and access the channel. Of course, you can always create multiple NSFW channels on your server, each with its own specific purpose. For example, you could have a channel for general NSFW discussion, a channel for sharing NSFW images and videos, and so on. It’s up to you!
how to make a nsfw channel on discord mobile
Just follow the same steps as above. Go to your server settings and create a new channel. Then, simply toggle the NSFW setting to ON. As long as you’re on a mobile device that supports this feature, anyone should be able to see and access your NSFW channel. We hope this guide has been helpful! If you have any further questions or need assistance with anything, feel free to reach out to us anytime. Thank you for using Discord!
Choose a name for your channel that is both creative and suggestive
When you are creating the channel, simply toggle the NSFW setting to ON. This will make the channel visible only to those who have indicated that they are comfortable with viewing NSFW content. And there you have it! Now you know how to create NSFW channels on your Discord server. This way, you can keep the chat clean for those who don’t want to see NSFW content, and let those who do enjoy it have their own little corner of the server. Thanks for reading and happy chatting!
Use creative titles and descriptions to get people’s attention
If you want people to actually find and use your NSFW channel, you need to make it stand out. Give it a creative and suggestive name that will peak people’s curiosity. And don’t forget to write a description that tells people what they can expect to find in the channel. The more enticing you can make it, the better!
Add friends who will also post NSFW content to your channel
The more people you have posting NSFW content to your channel, the better. This will help attract more viewers and keep things interesting. So be sure to add friends who are also into this type of content. That way, everyone can enjoy the channel together!